The Illuminati ER Trauma Center and Hospital


Rift Surfer

It's the year 1970, It was a typical Friday for Paddy McGill. He just came home from work at the phone company.

He looks for his son Jack when he gets home. He is not there watching TV waiting for him to get home as usual.

As a kid he used to play with Lego Blocks in the living room building wild designs of jet aircraft and spaceships to show his father when he arrived from work.

Paddy McGill would always say "How's it going Jack?..." when he got to the top of the ladding on the 2nd floor.

Jack would say "Great Dad... Look what I built today..." and show his father a Lego design that looked like a F-14 Tomcat Fighter from the U.S. Airforce.

Paddy McGill would say "Wow... That's even better than the last one... You are good Jack... The Best"

But today is 1979. Jack is all grown up. He's just turned 13 years old.

He is into skateboarding. He's skates in the nearby Schoolyard all day long.

He worries about his friends. They all come from divorced homes of "swingers" and "alchies" it seems. He knows something odd is going on... They "followed" him into the Schoolyard and are "pretending" to be his friends or friendly. He knows that Jack knows them from School so he is bound to talk and be friendly and knows it will "look bad" to those just passing by. Hopefully, the will see him skateboard.

He worries about his eldest daughter. She has married an italian son of famous boxer from the 1950s. He seems nice but Paddy knows about the Italian Mafia in the New York area from working in New York City that is close by...

His daughter just recently graduated from Nursing School and is working in psyche ward. She gleefully tells stories of the mental insane and how they taunt and make fun of the mentally ill. She seems to have a new story every time she comes home at night. She is moving out soon. He can't wait. She has changed into a "vicious angry hateful" b-i-t-c-h and doesn't want her around the younger children in the house espcially Jack and Bobby. Bobby is Jack's younger brother but he seems to be a favorite Jack's sister Kate and her italian husband "Eddie The Dagger" as he called after his boxing father.

Kate has become calous, unfeeling, and "odd" since dating "Eddie The Dagger" in high school. He knows women love "bad boys" and he tried to discourage her from dating him but he knows if you interferre with a teenage girls dating crush she will marry him just for spite to annoy the parents. It's just the way women are... He knows it.

He doesn't like the "cat fighting" she gets into with Ann on the top of stairs. He is "deeply disturbed" by Kate and thinks "maybe..." she is intimidating his wife along with "Eddie The Dagger" and maybe "tried to kill her..." in an explainable way.

They have had 5-6 fights on the top of the stairs and now Jack is breaking up the fights. It's not good. She's "gone bad" and shouldn't be part of the family anymore.... He's think he just make excuses why Kate is not a family parties or events anymore.

So he goes to Stop&Shop across the street to get food for dinner, he goes across the street and into the store...

He sees "Eddie The Store Detective" following him around the store. He is a "buddy" of "Johnny The Bad Cop" around the corner and cousin to "Eddie The Annoying Neighbor" who breaks into the house to steal lawn equipment". What a threesome they are... He thinks.

He goes to the get Milk in the milk section and then around the store to get bread near the Deli section but he is meet by "Vinnie The Knife" and the rest of the store employees near the deli section.

"Vinnie The Knife" says "We told you to leave Kate alone with Eddie... You are throwing her out of the house and banning her?...."

They grab him...

People in the store go about their business like nothing is happenning. They ignore the Italian Mobstersa and John The Bad Cop grabbing Patrick and sticking a nasal spray up his nose and pressing repeatedly.

Patrick is stunned and doesn't know what is going on?...

He doesn't get along with the store employees but they have trucks running at 4:30am in the morning and thought the tension was related to his complaining about the trucks to the Peninsula Police Department.

Patrick feels a "crushing weight" like a "hand" around his heart.

He realizes that he has been "poisoned" by "evil agents" or something that are causing him a MASSIVE HEART ATTACK induced BY INJECTION to look "normal".

Patrick clutches his chest.

The 10 men let go of Patrick...

He falls to the floor...

Someone says "Call McMidget's Ambulance... And get this [censored] out of here... I can't wait till this pain in the ass is DEAD@!..." and laughs...

Patrick looks up with his eye glazed and blurry...

It's "Johnny The Bad Cop" and "Vinny The Knife" is laughing his ass off...

They rest break into laughter...

As do the "phoney customers" who seem to be roleplaying...

Someone says "Hey... We have a problem... That kid Jack is skating in the schoolyard... He was on the steps and near the TEMPORARY SCHOOL ROOM the WHOLE TIME!!! YOU IDIOTS!!! HE SAW EVERYONE COME IN HERE!!! You have to make sure he doesn't die now... MORONS..."

Patrick look over and see's "Tommy The Bad Cop" at the far end of the store looking very nervous...

Patrick is in shock and doesn't know what is going on....

He thinks "Why do they care about Jack and where he is?..."

He thinks "Oh my God!... They are always asking about him! They are really AFTER JACK!"


He is in great pain...

One of the Short family children come running to the schoolyard and say "Jack? You have to go home... You father has just had a heart attack..."

Jack runs home... He heads up the stairs...

He see his father being carried out of the house wearing an oxygen mask with EMTS and PENINSULA CITY COPS nearby...

The evil bastards took him out the back and put him the house to wait for one of the younger sons to get home.

He is stunned...

But he knows his father is about to die...

He looks around the room angrily at all of the people in the house...

He watches from the street and they take his father from the house into the Ambulance...

He asks "What happened?..."

Someone responds "He had a heart attack coming back from the Stop & Shop..."

Jacks says "Really?.... That figures..."

And he leaves...

He heads from CLOVER STREET to KING AVENUE to tell his father's sister.. MARY FATIMA house..

To tell his sister wait happened...

At the hospital ER Emergency Room they scramble around...

One says "We are not going to use the Puffer Fish poison this time?..."

Or the "TseTse Fly Ensphalitas" Poison?

And a head nurse responds "No. Idiot. They f-d up. His son was on the street and saw everyone go in and out of the store. He knows all the "role players". He can identify everybody. That one has a photographic memory [censored]..."

The Head Nurse continues "We have to save that GOD LOVING bastard now..."

The EVIL ER DOC says "You and your ginny boyfriends... You think you can anything you want to us... I'LL SAVE HIM BITCH... And see what happens to you and YOUR EVIL MIDGET PSYCHIC SEX WANNA BE TOUGH GUYS Boyfriends!!!.... You don't know this family..."

The EVIL ER DOC goes on "You know the stab people from behind... They "tough guy" bullshit isn't true... You know that "sweetie" don't you... And You are Irish stupid! Don't you know why he "wants you"?"

The EVIL ER DOC rants "Don't you know what "whacked (wacked) really means?..."


The McMidget Ambulance arrives with Paddy McGill inside....

They scramble to get in the ER...

The EVIL ER DOC says to Paddy "You are in for a bumpy ride... But Paddy... Never give in... Never give up.... You'll make it... I PROMISE YOU... I'll do EVERYTHING TO MAKE SURE YOU LIVE!!!... The doctor pulls out his gold chain... It's a CELTIC CROSS with 4 POINTS... Not a Luciferian CATHOLIC CROSS WTIH JESUS NAILED, SUFFERING AND DYING ON IT...

Patrick forces a smile He whispers "I understand..." and thinks "There is another one here... He's knows that the Jesus Crucifix is REALLY A SWORD SYMBOL AND DAGGER SYMBOL OF DEATH not life..."

End of Story.

Copyright (c) 2008 John J. McMonagle All Rights Reserved.

Ciggy can I start posting your stuff up at other places with a link?

I enjoy that.

The title has nothing to do with the content----it tells me there is more to come...

would you mind?

and I will clear the post I have so the story wil continue without being interrupted..